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Welcome to the world of the Nightmares!

Your homepage!

Welcome to the land of nightmares!
Nightmares come in all shapes and sizes!
Here you can adopt some and take care of them!

Start playing soon! So we can ea- I mean.. play with you.. ^^

To get started go by yourself a nightmare. Creating one is expencive.. o.o
.:what sertant actions you do will cause:.
1. swearing on the forum (result in one of your nightmares dieing)
2. asking a mod to kill your nightmare (result in all your nightmares being drained completly of blood, happyness, & fur)

1.Pointing out to a mod that someone is doing something bad (You'll get 1000 blood drops)

Number of members: 5
Number of nightmares: 4

Site created with Webidev :) and created by kimmyinsane.