Create your virtual breeding site on Webidev

Gameplay: done! Storyline: Chapter 1 done! Scripting: Almost done... Pictures: Errr...


ELLYCOO: Creator admin

She's (me) the head admin, the creator of the game. She (me) takes care of everything: the design, the graphism, the story, the pages (except the ponyart for the Storyline). She (me) decides if you get banned or not.

SKETCHBOOK: Graphist admin

He's awesome and deserves to be the second creator: he does all the art of the characters for the Storyline (and it's free!). I'm sure he can do much more for you all, he also takes care of the forums with me.

GRYFIA: Co-Creator of MLP-GD
As much as I know Gryfia, she is not made for moderating forums and managing a site. But she's, like the co-creator of MLP-GD and deserves to be treated like an administrator. ^^

SABREGUST: Forum Moderator
Sabre is one of my best friends and is a pretty good forum moderator. So that's why I've put him as... well, a forum moderator. He can't ban anyone like I can but he can make me. So bewarrre.